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Natalie Flores is a watercolorist and a Montessori teacher living in Austin, Texas. Hiking, camping, gardening and otherwise exploring serves as inspiration for her florals and landscapes.  She uses Arches 100% cotton cold pressed paper and a mixture of Prinston, Mont Matre and Winsor Newton brushes. She paints at her desk tucked in the corner of her living room and uses liquid watercolors on a ceramic palette made for her by her best friend, Kimberly. 

Natalie has always been drawn to creating whether it be drawing, sewing, knitting, crocheting, baking, or gardening; however, before the Covid Pandemic, she had never tried to watercolor. In March of 2020, she finally had plenty of time to dedicate to trying out watercolor painting. Paint-along tutorials on Youtube served as Natalie’s teacher. An Instagram challenge called The 100 day project, propelled regular practicing. 

Friends and family would admire the little paintings and Natalie’s growth as an artist often saying, “I’d buy that!” or “That would look great as a postcard or notecard!” During the summer of 2023, Natalie decided to listen and started a small business under the brand The Freckled Octopus. She has many of her paintings printed onto blank note cards on one-sided semi gloss heavy card stock, and she frames and sells many of the original watercolors in thrifted frames full of character.

Natalie C Flores

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